Our history



The earliest written record of the Glasgow Hebrew Philanthropic Society. Our roots go back to the earliest days of the Scottish Jewish community when charitable caring for those in need was a priority for everyone in the community. The Society is recorded in the Minutes of the first synagogue opened in George Street, requesting the use of a room to dispense charity to Glasgow’s Jewish needy.


The Synagogue Council amalgamated its charity work with the Glasgow Hebrew Philanthropic Society.


The merged Glasgow Jewish Board of Guardians and Philanthropic Association took on responsibility for the relief of the poor.


The charity moved from Garnethill to the Gorbals where most of those making a claim on its funds resided. The organisation was based in a large main door flat at 11 Apsley Place.


The Glasgow Jewish Board of Guardians and Philanthropic Association became The Glasgow Jewish Board of Guardians.


The Glasgow Jewish Board of Guardians opened their new administrative offices and communal hall at 52 Thistle Street, Gorbals.


The Glasgow Jewish Board of Guardians was renamed The Glasgow Jewish Welfare Board, coinciding with a move into new premises at 49 Coplaw Street and to reflect changing public attitudes to welfare services.

1996 - A radical change

The Glasgow Jewish Welfare Board was professionalised, changed its name to Jewish Care Scotland and moved from Coplaw Street to temporary premises within the Maccabi complex in Giffnock. A chief executive was appointed, together with professional social workers and staff. East Renfrewshire Council entered into a partnership arrangement with Jewish Care Scotland, leading to the development of a seconded social work team and a day care service. The partnership gave the community a unique one door approach to statutory and voluntary services. The Welfare Agency changed its name to the Social Care Agency and volunteers and professional staff joined together for the increased benefit of those in the community in need of help and support.


Jewish Care Scotland moved into the purpose built Walton Community Care Centre, along with Cosgrove Care and the Jewish Blind Society.


Jewish Care Scotland awarded The Queen’s Award for Volunteering- the MBE for volunteer groups- in recognition of its outstanding voluntary work in the community.


We achieved the Investing in Volunteers award. A lot of work went into achieving this!


Jewish Care Scotland celebrated its 160th Anniversary!


When the Covid-19 pandemic began in March 2020 the United Kingdom was forced into lockdown. At JCS, we knew that we had to adapt our services to be able to reach and support vulnerable members of our community.


Since 2020 our trained staff have offered Social support visits to isolated individuals who require care and support.  The visits focus on improving and maintaining wellbeing and goals are discussed and set out in a personalised care plan.


Jewish Care Scotland introduce Welcome Wednesday, our drop-in style café.

Facilitated by JCS volunteers, each Wednesday from 12pm to 3pm anyone can drop in and enjoy socialising as well as refreshments,


Jewish Care Scotland celebrate its 165th anniversary!