JCS launches debit card as a new way to donate

Jewish Care Scotland launches JCS debit card powered by Currensea.


The team at JCS are delighted to launch the JCS debit card powered by Currensea and Mastercard.

The JCS debit card is a layer over your existing bank account so there’s no need to open a new account.

You can round up your spending at home in the UK as well as make savings on transactions abroad.  Using the Currensea app you can keep a track of your savings and you can choose to make a donation to JCS, if you choose to.


Robyn Friel, Interim Deputy CEO and Head of Income Generation said: “The card is a great way to show your support for JCS.  It is also a great way to save money when spending abroad and the round-up feature reminds me of Home Money Boxes which were common when I started my career in Fundraising.  Users can save their pennies virtually and choose if and when to donate some of those savings to JCS.  This gives our supporters and donors a new way to show that they care about the work that we do as well as offering them great savings if they use the card abroad.”.


It’s quick and easy to apply online and link the card to your existing account.  For more information or to apply for your card now visit: https://www.currensea.com/partner/jewish-care-scotland

